The Sparrow: A Small but Remarkable Bird
The Sparrow: A Small but Remarkable Bird AI Photo The sparrow is one of the most familiar and widely recognized birds worldwide. Belonging to the family Passeridae, sparrows are small, plump, and have a characteristic short tail and stout beak. The house sparrow (Passer domesticus) is perhaps the most common species and is often found in urban and rural settings alike. Sparrows have adapted well to living alongside humans. They build their nests in crevices of buildings, under roofs, and in dense bushes. These birds are primarily seed eaters, but they also feed on insects, especially when feeding their young. This dietary adaptability has contributed to their survival in a variety of environments. Their plumage is usually a mix of brown, white, and grey, which provides excellent camouflage in their natural habitats. Male sparrows often have more pronounced markings, such ...