
Showing posts from October 6, 2024

100 GK : Animals

Here’s a list of 100 animal quiz questions along with their answers: --- ### 1. Which is the largest land animal? Answer : African Elephant ### 2. What is the fastest land animal? Answer : Cheetah ### 3. Which bird is known for its colorful plumage and large fan-like tail? Answer : Peacock ### 4. Which mammal is known for laying eggs?   Answer : Platypus ### 5. What is the only mammal capable of true flight? Answer: Bat ### 6. Which animal is known for having a pouch to carry its young? Answer: Kangaroo ### 7. What is the tallest animal in the world? Answer : Giraffe ### 8. Which is the largest species of shark? Answer : Whale Shark ### 9. Which bird has the largest wingspan? Answer : Wandering Albatross ### 10. Which animal is known as the ‘king of the jungle’? Answer : Lion --- ### 11. Which animal has the longest lifespan? Answer : Bowhead Whale ### 12. What is the slowest animal in the world?  Answer : Three-toed Sloth ### 13. Which insect migrates annually from Canada

100 Fun and GK Facts for kids

Here are 100 fun and educational general knowledge facts for kids: 1. The Earth orbits the Sun in 365 days. 2. Penguins can’t fly, but they can swim! 3. The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world. 4. The moon has no atmosphere, so there’s no sound! 5. An elephant’s trunk has over 40,000 muscles. 6. Bees communicate by dancing. 7. Kangaroos can’t walk backward. 8. The Eiffel Tower grows taller in summer because metal expands in heat. 10. The human body has 206 bones. 11. Lightning is hotter than the surface of the sun! 12. Octopuses have three hearts. 13. A blue whale’s heart is as big as a small car. 15. The Great Wall of China is over 13,000 miles long. 16. The human brain weighs about 3 pounds. 17. Bats are the only mammals that can fly. 18. Honey never spoils; it can last for thousands of years. 19. The Amazon Rainforest produces 20% of the Earth’s oxygen. 20. Sharks have been around longer than dinosaurs. 21. Cows have four stomachs to help