100 GK : Animals

Here’s a list of 100 animal quiz questions along with their answers:


### 1. Which is the largest land animal?
Answer: African Elephant

### 2. What is the fastest land animal?
Answer: Cheetah

### 3. Which bird is known for its colorful plumage and large fan-like tail?
Answer: Peacock

### 4. Which mammal is known for laying eggs?  
Answer: Platypus

### 5. What is the only mammal capable of true flight?
Answer: Bat

### 6. Which animal is known for having a pouch to carry its young?
Answer: Kangaroo

### 7. What is the tallest animal in the world?
Answer: Giraffe

### 8. Which is the largest species of shark?
Answer: Whale Shark

### 9. Which bird has the largest wingspan?
Answer: Wandering Albatross

### 10. Which animal is known as the ‘king of the jungle’?
Answer: Lion


### 11. Which animal has the longest lifespan?
Answer: Bowhead Whale

### 12. What is the slowest animal in the world? 
Answer: Three-toed Sloth

### 13. Which insect migrates annually from Canada to Mexico?
Answer: Monarch Butterfly

### 14. Which animal is known for its black and white stripes?
Answer: Zebra

### 15. What type of animal is a Komodo dragon?
Answer: Lizard

### 16. **Which mammal spends most of its life in the ocean?**  
**Answer**: Whale

### 17. **Which animal has the strongest bite force in the animal kingdom?**  
**Answer**: Saltwater Crocodile

### 18. **What do you call a group of lions?**  
**Answer**: Pride

### 19. **What is the largest type of penguin?**  
**Answer**: Emperor Penguin

### 20. **Which bird is known for its ability to mimic sounds and speech?**  
**Answer**: Parrot


### 21. **Which reptile can change its color to blend in with its surroundings?**  
**Answer**: Chameleon

### 22. **What is the only marsupial found in North America?**  
**Answer**: Opossum

### 23. **Which animal is known as the ‘ship of the desert’?**  
**Answer**: Camel

### 24. **Which mammal has the most powerful sense of smell?**  
**Answer**: Bear

### 25. **What is a group of crows called?**  
**Answer**: Murder

### 26. **Which animal can live without water for days?**  
**Answer**: Camel

### 27. **Which fish is known for its ability to generate electricity?**  
**Answer**: Electric Eel

### 28. **What type of animal is a cobra?**  
**Answer**: Snake

### 29. **Which bird is known for its elaborate courtship dance?**  
**Answer**: Bird of Paradise

### 30. **Which mammal has no vocal cords?**  
**Answer**: Giraffe


### 31. **Which mammal is known for its quills?**  
**Answer**: Porcupine

### 32. **Which animal is the primary source of wool?**  
**Answer**: Sheep

### 33. **Which large land mammal has thick skin and tusks?**  
**Answer**: Elephant

### 34. **What is the fastest flying bird?**  
**Answer**: Peregrine Falcon

### 35. **Which animal is known for its slow movement and hanging upside down?**  
**Answer**: Sloth

### 36. **Which reptile can regrow its tail if it is lost?**  
**Answer**: Lizard

### 37. **Which animal is known for its ability to squirt ink to escape predators?**  
**Answer**: Octopus

### 38. **What is the largest type of bear?**  
**Answer**: Polar Bear

### 39. **Which bird is the national symbol of the United States?**  
**Answer**: Bald Eagle

### 40. **Which mammal has a hump on its back?**  
**Answer**: Camel


### 41. **Which animal is known for its spots and is a fast climber?**  
**Answer**: Leopard

### 42. **Which animal is known as the ‘giant panda’?**  
**Answer**: Panda Bear

### 43. **Which insect is known for making honey?**  
**Answer**: Bee

### 44. **What is the largest land carnivore?**  
**Answer**: Polar Bear

### 45. **Which mammal is known for building dams?**  
**Answer**: Beaver

### 46. **What type of fish is a clownfish?**  
**Answer**: Saltwater Fish

### 47. **Which animal is known for its long neck and feeding on leaves high up in trees?**  
**Answer**: Giraffe

### 48. **What type of animal is a tarantula?**  
**Answer**: Spider

### 49. **Which insect can jump 200 times its body length?**  
**Answer**: Flea

### 50. **What is the largest type of ray in the ocean?**  
**Answer**: Manta Ray


### 51. **Which animal is known for its trunk?**  
**Answer**: Elephant

### 52. **What is a group of fish called?**  
**Answer**: School

### 53. **Which mammal is known for living in cold Arctic waters?**  
**Answer**: Walrus

### 54. **Which animal is known for its powerful jaws and slow movement?**  
**Answer**: Alligator

### 55. **Which is the smallest bird in the world?**  
**Answer**: Bee Hummingbird

### 56. **Which amphibian is known for its ability to jump?**  
**Answer**: Frog

### 57. **Which animal has a shell and retracts its body into it for protection?**  
**Answer**: Turtle

### 58. **Which animal is famous for howling at the moon?**  
**Answer**: Wolf

### 59. **Which insect is known for its hard shell and pincers?**  
**Answer**: Beetle

### 60. **What type of mammal is a dolphin?**  
**Answer**: Marine Mammal


### 61. **What animal is known for its distinctive black-and-white fur pattern?**  
**Answer**: Panda

### 62. **Which animal uses echolocation to navigate in the dark?**  
**Answer**: Bat

### 63. **Which animal can survive freezing during winter and thaw out during spring?**  
**Answer**: Wood Frog

### 64. **What type of mammal is a koala?**  
**Answer**: Marsupial

### 65. **Which animal is known for its venomous sting and is related to jellyfish?**  
**Answer**: Portuguese Man o' War

### 66. **Which bird is known for running fast but not being able to fly?**  
**Answer**: Ostrich

### 67. **Which animal has the ability to regenerate lost body parts?**  
**Answer**: Starfish

### 68. **Which bird is known for its nocturnal hunting habits?**  
**Answer**: Owl

### 69. **Which animal carries its home on its back?**  
**Answer**: Snail

### 70. **What is the largest type of deer?**  
**Answer**: Moose


### 71. **Which mammal is famous for its loud roar?**  
**Answer**: Lion

### 72. **Which animal is known as the ‘jungle cat’?**  
**Answer**: Tiger

### 73. **What is the largest species of primate?**  
**Answer**: Gorilla

### 74. **Which bird can fly backwards?**  
**Answer**: Hummingbird

### 75. **Which animal is known for producing silk?**  
**Answer**: Silkworm

### 76. **Which mammal has the densest fur?**  
**Answer**: Sea Otter

### 77. **Which bird is known for diving underwater to catch fish?**  
**Answer**: Kingfisher

### 78. **Which reptile is known for basking in the sun?**  
**Answer**: Crocodile

### 79. **Which animal uses a long tongue to catch ants?**  
**Answer**: Anteater

### 80. **Which bird is known for its red chest and is often associated with Christmas?**  
**Answer**: Robin


### 81. **Which mammal is known for hibernating during the winter?**  
**Answer**: Bear


### 82. **Which animal is the only living member of the genus 'Panthera'?**  
**Answer**: Lion

### 83. **Which bird is known for its distinctive pink color and long legs?**  
**Answer**: Flamingo

### 84. **What is the smallest mammal by weight?**  
**Answer**: Etruscan Shrew

### 85. **Which animal is known for its ability to climb vertical surfaces?**  
**Answer**: Gecko

### 86. **Which bird is flightless and native to New Zealand?**  
**Answer**: Kiwi

### 87. **Which sea creature has tentacles and can sting with nematocysts?**  
**Answer**: Jellyfish

### 88. **Which reptile is known for its heavily armored body and large size?**  
**Answer**: Crocodile

### 89. **Which animal is known for having a distinctive hump on its back used for storing fat?**  
**Answer**: Bactrian Camel

### 90. **Which animal is known for its spiral-shaped shell?**  
**Answer**: Nautilus


### 91. **Which mammal is known for echolocation and can live in colonies of thousands?**  
**Answer**: Bat

### 92. **Which bird is known for its long migration from the Arctic to the Antarctic?**  
**Answer**: Arctic Tern

### 93. **What type of mammal is a lemur?**  
**Answer**: Primate

### 94. **Which sea creature is known for its long arms and intelligence?**  
**Answer**: Octopus

### 95. **Which large cat is the fastest animal on land?**  
**Answer**: Cheetah

### 96. **What is the largest type of lizard?**  
**Answer**: Komodo Dragon

### 97. Which bird is known for its impressive nest-building skills?
Answer: Weaver Bird

### 98. Which mammal is known for using rocks as tools to open shells?
Answer: Sea Otter

### 99. Which bird species is known for its distinctive "hoot"?
Answer: Owl

### 100. Which mammal lives almost exclusively in trees and moves very slowly?
Answer: Sloth


This concludes the 100-question animal quiz with answers!


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