History Quiz: MCQ with Answers About Middle Ages.

History Quiz: MCQ with Answers About Middle Ages. 

1. What year is traditionally marked as the beginning of the Middle Ages?
 - A) 476 AD✅️
 - B) 1066 AD
 - C) 1453 AD
 - D) 800 AD

2. Who was crowned Emperor of the Romans on Christmas Day, 800 AD?
 - A) Charlemagne✅️
 - B) Otto the Great
 - C) Frederick Barbarossa
 - D) Henry IV

3. Which of these was a prominent medieval university town?
 - A) Paris✅️
 - B) New York
 - C) Cairo
 - D) Beijing

4. Who wrote "The Divine Comedy"?
 - A) Geoffrey Chaucer
 - B) Dante Alighieri✅️
 - C) Thomas Aquinas
 - D) Petrarch

5. What was the primary language of scholars during the Middle Ages?
 - A) English
 - B) Latin✅️
 - C) Greek
 - D) French

6. The Hundred Years' War was primarily between which two nations?
 - A) England and France✅️
 - B) Spain and Portugal
 - C) Germany and Italy
 - D) Russia and Poland

7. Which English king signed the Magna Carta?
 - A) Richard the Lionheart
 - B) Henry II
 - C) John✅️
 - D) Edward I

8. What was the primary economic system during the Middle Ages?
 - A) Capitalism
 - B) Feudalism✅️
 - C) Socialism
 - D) Communism

9. **Who was the famous female warrior that fought in the Hundred Years' War?**
 - A) Eleanor of Aquitaine
 - B) Joan of Arc✅️
 - C) Matilda of Tuscany
 - D) Hildegard of Bingen

10. **Which architectural style is characterized by pointed arches and flying buttresses?**
 - A) Romanesque
 - B) Gothic✅️
 - C) Baroque
 - D) Renaissance

11. **Which medieval empire is known for its capital at Baghdad?**
 - A) Byzantine Empire
 - B) Holy Roman Empire
 - C) Abbasid Caliphate✅️
 - D) Ottoman Empire

12. **Which document limited the power of the English monarchy and established certain legal protections for subjects?**
 - A) Magna Carta✅️
 - B) Edict of Milan
 - C) Treaty of Verdun
 - D) Concordat of Worms

13. **Which Frankish king stopped the Muslim advance into Western Europe at the Battle of Tours in 732?**
 - A) Clovis
 - B) Pepin the Short
 - C) Charlemagne
 - D) Charles Martel✅️

14. **What was the primary purpose of medieval guilds?**
 - A) To control trade and maintain quality standards within industries✅️
 - B) To elect local officials
 - C) To provide military support to kings
 - D) To spread religious teachings

15. **Who was the first Holy Roman Emperor?**
 - A) Charlemagne✅️
 - B) Otto I
 - C) Henry IV
 - D) Frederick I

16. **What was the Investiture Controversy primarily about?**
 - A) Control of trade routes
 - B) The right to appoint church officials✅️
 - C) The succession of the French throne
 - D) Ownership of land in the Holy Roman Empire

17. **Which treaty divided the Carolingian Empire into three kingdoms?**
 - A) Treaty of Verdun✅️
 - B) Treaty of Westphalia
 - C) Treaty of Tordesillas
 - D) Treaty of Paris

18. **Who wrote "Summa Theologica"?**
 - A) Thomas Aquinas✅️
 - B) Augustine of Hippo
 - C) Anselm of Canterbury
 - D) Peter Abelard

19. **What was the dominant architectural style in Western Europe during the early Middle Ages?**
 - A) Gothic
 - B) Romanesque✅️
 - C) Renaissance
 - D) Baroque


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