100 Academic GK about Science

100 Academic GK about Science. 

Science, the systematic study of the natural world through observation, experimentation, and analysis, has profoundly shaped human understanding and technological advancement. From unraveling the mysteries of the universe to improving our daily lives, scientific discoveries and principles continue to drive progress across all aspects of society. In this compilation of 100 Academic GK (General Knowledge) about Science, we delve into a diverse array of topics spanning physics, chemistry, biology, earth sciences, and more. Each question and answer offers a glimpse into the fascinating world of scientific inquiry, shedding light on key concepts, notable figures, and groundbreaking discoveries. Whether you're a student, educator, or simply curious about the wonders of science, this collection serves as a valuable resource for expanding your knowledge and appreciation of the natural world. So let's embark on a journey through the realms of atoms and galaxies, exploring the wonders of science that continue to inspire and enrich our lives.

1. What is the chemical symbol for water?
 a) HO
 b) W 
 c) H2O 
 d) O2

Ans. (c) H2O

2. Who is known as the father of modern physics?
a) Isaac Newton
b) Albert Einstein
c) Galileo Galilei
d) Niels Bohr

Correct answer: b) Albert Einstein

3. What is the smallest unit of matter?
a) Atom
b) Proton
c) Electron
d) Neutron

Correct answer: a) Atom

4. What is the process by which plants make their own food?a) Photosynthesis
b) Respiration
c) Digestion
d) Transpiration

Correct answer: a) Photosynthesis

5. Who discovered the theory of relativity?
a) Isaac Newton
b) Albert Einstein
c) Galileo Galilei
d) Nikola Tesla

Correct answer: b) Albert Einstein

6. What is the force that pulls objects towards the center of the Earth?
a) Gravitational force
b) Magnetic force
c) Electric force
d) Centrifugal force

Correct answer: a) Gravitational force

7. What is the closest star to Earth?
a) Proxima Centauri
b) Sirius
c) Alpha Centauri
d) Betelgeuse

Correct answer: a) Proxima Centauri

8. What is the study of the Earth's atmosphere and weather?
a) Astronomy
b) Geology
c) Meteorology
d) Oceanography

Correct answer: c) Meteorology

9. What is the chemical symbol for oxygen?
a) Ox
b) O2
c) Oxg
d) Oxy

Correct answer: b) O2

10. Who developed the theory of evolution by natural selection?
a) Charles Darwin
b) Isaac Newton
c) Albert Einstein
d) Gregor Mendel

Correct answer: a) Charles Darwin

11. What is the process by which plants release oxygen?
a) Respiration
b) Photosynthesis
c) Fermentation
d) Transpiration

Correct answer: b) Photosynthesis

12. What is the study of the structure and function of cells?
a) Genetics
b) Physiology
c) Microbiology
d) Cytology

Correct answer: d) Cytology

13. What is the chemical symbol for carbon dioxide?
a) CO
b) CO2
c) C
d) COO

Correct answer: b) CO2

14. Who discovered the law of gravity?
a) Isaac Newton
b) Albert Einstein
c) Galileo Galilei
d) Johannes Kepler

Correct answer: a) Isaac Newton

15. What is the energy of motion called?
a) Potential energy
b) Kinetic energy
c) Thermal energy
d) Chemical energy

Correct answer: b) Kinetic energy

16. What is the study of the stars and celestial bodies?
a) Astronomy
b) Astrology
c) Cosmology
d) Meteorology

Correct answer: a) Astronomy

17. What is the chemical symbol for sodium?
a) Na
b) Sd
c) So
d) Sa

Correct answer: a) Na

18. Who discovered the theory of electromagnetism?
a) Isaac Newton
b) Albert Einstein
c) James Clerk Maxwell
d) Michael Faraday

Correct answer: c) James Clerk Maxwell

19. What is the force that opposes motion between two surfaces in contact?
a) Gravitational force
b) Frictional force
c) Magnetic force
d) Tension force

Correct answer: b) Frictional force

20. What is the study of living organisms and their interactions with each other and their environment?
a) Ecology
b) Biology
c) Zoology
d) Botany

Correct answer: a) Ecology

21. What is the chemical symbol for gold?
a) Au
b) Go
c) Gl
d) Gd

Correct answer: a) Au

22. Who discovered the laws of motion?
a) Isaac Newton
b) Albert Einstein
c) Galileo Galilei
d) Nikola Tesla

Correct answer: a) Isaac Newton

23. What is the study of matter and energy and the interactions between them?
a) Physics
b) Chemistry
c) Biology
d) Geology

Correct answer: a) Physic

24. What is the chemical symbol for iron?
a) Fe
b) Ir
c) In
d) F

Correct answer: a) Fe

25. Who invented the first practical electric battery?

a) Alessandro Volta
b) Thomas Edison
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Michael Faraday

Correct answer: a) Alessandro Volta

26. What is the process by which plants take in water from the soil?

a) Transpiration
b) Photosynthesis
c) Absorption
d) Osmosis

Correct answer: c) Absorption

27. What is the chemical symbol for helium?

a) He
b) H
c) Hy
d) Hel

Correct answer: a) He

28. Who developed the theory of general relativity?

a) Albert Einstein
b) Isaac Newton
c) James Clerk Maxwell
d) Niels Bohr

Correct answer: a) Albert Einstein

29. What is the study of the Earth's physical structure and processes?

a) Geology
b) Meteorology
c) Oceanography
d) Ecology

Correct answer: a) Geology

30. What is the chemical symbol for nitrogen?

a) N
b) Ni
c) Ng
d) Na

Correct answer: a) N

31. Who discovered the structure of DNA?

a) James Watson and Francis Crick
b) Gregor Mendel
c) Rosalind Franklin
d) Charles Darwin

Correct answer: a) James Watson and Francis Crick

32. What is the force that holds atoms together in a molecule?

a) Gravitational force
b) Magnetic force
c) Electromagnetic force
d) Chemical bond

Correct answer: d) Chemical bond

33. What is the chemical symbol for calcium?

a) Ca
b) Cl
c) Co
d) Ce

Correct answer: a) Ca

34. Who invented the first practical light bulb?

a) Thomas Edison
b) Nikola Tesla
c) James Watt
d) Michael Faraday

Correct answer: a) Thomas Edison

35. What is the study of the Earth's history and the processes that shaped it?

a) Paleontology
b) Geology
c) Archaeology
d) Meteorology

Correct answer: b) Geology

36. What is the chemical symbol for silver?

a) Ag
b) Si
c) Sl
d) Sv

Correct answer: a) Ag

37. Who discovered the first antibiotic?

a) Alexander Fleming
b) Louis Pasteur
c) Jonas Salk
d) Robert Koch

Correct answer: a) Alexander Fleming

38. What is the force that attracts two objects with mass towards each other?

a) Gravitational force
b) Magnetic force
c) Electrostatic force
d) Centripetal force

Correct answer: a) Gravitational force

39. What is the chemical symbol for potassium?

a) K
b) Ka
c) Ke
d) Ko

Correct answer: a) K

40. Who developed the first effective polio vaccine?

a) Jonas Salk
b) Albert Sabin
c) Edward Jenner
d) Louis Pasteur

Correct answer: a) Jonas Salk

41. What is the process by which a solid changes directly into a gas?

a) Sublimation
b) Vaporization
c) Condensation
d) Fusion

Correct answer: a) Sublimation

42. What is the chemical symbol for copper?

a) Cu
b) Co
c) Cp
d) Ce

Correct answer: a) Cu

43. Who discovered the process of pasteurization?

a) Louis Pasteur
b) Alexander Fleming
c) Jonas Salk
d) Edward Jenner

Correct answer: a) Louis Pasteur

44. What is the study of matter and its motion through space and time?

a) Physics
b) Chemistry
c) Biology
d) Geology

Correct answer: a) Physics

45. What is the chemical symbol for lead?

a) Pb
b) Ld
c) Pd
d) Le

Correct answer: a) Pb

46. Who invented the first practical steam engine?

a) James Watt
b) Thomas Edison
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Michael Faraday

Correct answer: a) James Watt

47. What is the study of the properties and behavior of light?

a) Optics
b) Acoustics
c) Thermodynamics
d) Mechanics

Correct answer: a) Optics

48. What is the chemical symbol for tin?

a) Sn
b) Ti
c) Tn
d) Ts

Correct answer: a) Sn

49. Who discovered the process of photosynthesis?

a) Jan Ingenhousz
b) Joseph Priestley
c) Antoine Lavoisier
d) Robert Hooke

Correct answer: a) Jan Ingenhousz

50. What is the study of the Earth's oceans and seas?

a) Oceanography
b) Limnology
c) Hydrology
d) Marine biology

Correct answer: a) Oceanography

51. What is the chemical symbol for mercury?

a) Hg
b) Mr
c) Me
d) Mg

Correct answer: a) Hg

52. Who developed the theory of plate tectonics?

a) Alfred Wegener
b) Isaac Newton
c) Charles Darwin
d) James Hutton

Correct answer: a) Alfred Wegener

53. What is the study of the behavior of matter at very low temperatures?

a) Cryogenics
b) Thermodynamics
c) Quantum mechanics
d) Kinetics

Correct answer: a) Cryogenics

54. What is the chemical symbol for uranium?

a) U
b) Un
c) Ur
d) Um

Correct answer: a) U

55. Who discovered the laws of heredity?

a) Gregor Mendel
b) Charles Darwin
c) James Watson
d) Francis Crick

Correct answer: a) Gregor Mendel

56. What is the study of the Earth's magnetic field?

a) Geomagnetism
b) Seismology
c) Geodesy
d) Paleomagnetism

Correct answer: a) Geomagnetism

57. What is the chemical symbol for neon?

a) Ne
b) No
c) Na
d) Ni

Correct answer: a) Ne

58. Who invented the first practical telescope?

a) Galileo Galilei
b) Johannes Kepler
c) Isaac Newton
d) Hans Lippershey

Correct answer: d) Hans Lippershey

59. What is the study of the Earth's landforms and the processes that shape them?

a) Geomorphology
b) Meteorology
c) Oceanography
d) Glaciology

Correct answer: a) Geomorphology

60. What is the chemical symbol for zinc?

a) Zn
b) Zi
c) Zc
d) Zk

Correct answer: a) Zn

61. Who discovered the process of fermentation?

a) Louis Pasteur
b) Robert Koch
c) Alexander Fleming
d) Edward Jenner

Correct answer: a) Louis Pasteur

62. What is the study of the Earth's glaciers and ice caps?

a) Glaciology
b) Oceanography
c) Climatology
d) Hydrology

Correct answer: a) Glaciology

63. What is the chemical symbol for aluminum?

a) Al
b) Au
c) Am
d) An

Correct answer: a) Al

64. Who developed the first effective smallpox vaccine?

a) Edward Jenner
b) Jonas Salk
c) Louis Pasteur
d) Alexander Fleming

Correct answer: a) Edward Jenner

65. What is the study of the Earth's earthquakes and seismic waves?

a) Seismology
b) Volcanology
c) Paleontology
d) Geology

Correct answer: a) Seismology

66. What is the chemical symbol for silicon?

a) Si
b) Sl
c) Sn
d) Se

Correct answer: a) Si

67. Who discovered the first radioactivity?

a) Henri Becquerel
b) Marie Curie
c) Ernest Rutherford
d) Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen

Correct answer: a) Henri Becquerel

68. What is the study of the Earth's fossil record?

a) Paleontology
b) Archaeology
c) Geology
d) Anthropology

Correct answer: a) Paleontology

69. What is the chemical symbol for argon?

a) Ar
b) Ag
c) Ao
d) An

Correct answer: a) Ar

70. Who developed the first effective rabies vaccine?

a) Louis Pasteur
b) Edward Jenner
c) Jonas Salk
d) Alexander Fleming

Correct answer: a) Louis Pasteur

71. What is the study of the Earth's atmosphere and its phenomena?

a) Meteorology
b) Geology
c) Oceanography
d) Climatology

Correct answer: a) Meteorology

72. What is the chemical symbol for phosphorus?

a) P
b) Ph
c) Po
d) Ps

Correct answer: a) P

73. Who discovered the first practical electric motor?

a) Michael Faraday
b) Thomas Edison
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Alessandro Volta

Correct answer: a) Michael Faraday

74. What is the study of the Earth's volcanoes and volcanic activity?

a) Volcanology
b) Seismology
c) Petrology
d) Glaciology

Correct answer: a) Volcanology

75. What is the chemical symbol for sulfur?

a) S
b) Su
c) Sl
d) Se

Correct answer: a) S

76. Who developed the first effective cholera vaccine?

a) Louis Pasteur
b) Edward Jenner
c) Jonas Salk
d) Emil von Behring

Correct answer: a) Louis Pasteur

77. What is the study of the Earth's rocks and minerals?

a) Petrology
b) Geology
c) Mineralogy
d) Paleontology

Correct answer: b) Geology

78. What is the chemical symbol for chlorine?

a) Cl
b) Ch
c) Cn
d) Ce

Correct answer: a) Cl

79. Who discovered the process of radioactivity?

a) Henri Becquerel
b) Marie Curie
c) Ernest Rutherford
d) Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen

Correct answer: a) Henri Becquerel

80. What is the study of the Earth's soils and their properties?

a) Pedology
b) Agronomy
c) Edaphology
d) Geology

Correct answer: c) Edaphology

81. What is the chemical symbol for carbon?

a) Ca
b) Cr
c) C
d) Co

Correct answer: c) C

82. Who developed the first effective yellow fever vaccine?

a) Louis Pasteur
b) Edward Jenner
c) Jonas Salk
d) Walter Reed

Correct answer: d) Walter Reed

83. What is the study of the Earth's glaciers and ice caps?

a) Glaciology
b) Limnology
c) Hydrology
d) Climatology

Correct answer: a) Glaciology

84. What is the chemical symbol for iodine?

a) Io
b) Id
c) I
d) In

Correct answer: c) I

85. Who discovered the first practical refrigerator?

a) Albert Einstein
b) Nikola Tesla
c) Michael Faraday
d) Jacob Perkins

Correct answer: d) Jacob Perkins

86. What is the study of the Earth's lakes, rivers, and streams?

a) Limnology
b) Hydrology
c) Oceanography
d) Glaciology

Correct answer: a) Limnology

87. What is the chemical symbol for bromine?

a) Br
b) B
c) Bo
d) Brn

Correct answer: a) Br

88. Who developed the first effective tetanus vaccine?

a) Jonas Salk
b) Albert Sabin
c) Edward Jenner
d) Emil von Behring

Correct answer: c) Edward Jenner

89. What is the study of the Earth's climate and weather patterns?

a) Meteorology
b) Climatology
c) Oceanography
d) Atmospheric science

Correct answer: b) Climatology

90. What is the chemical symbol for fluorine?

a) Fl
b) Fr
c) F
d) Fu

Correct answer: c) F

91. Who discovered the first practical internal combustion engine?

a) Nikola Tesla
b) Karl Benz
c) Rudolf Diesel
d) Henry Ford

Correct answer: b) Karl Benz

92. What is the study of the Earth's natural disasters and their effects?

a) Geomorphology
b) Climatology
c) Seismology
d) Disaster Management

Correct answer: d) Disaster Management

93. What is the chemical symbol for radon?

a) Ra
b) Rd
c) Rn
d) Ro

Correct answer: c) Rn

94. Who developed the first effective mumps vaccine?

a) Jonas Salk
b) Edward Jenner
c) Maurice Hilleman
d) Albert Sabin

Correct answer: c) Maurice Hilleman

95. What is the study of the Earth's groundwater and aquifers?

a) Hydrology
b) Limnology
c) Oceanography
d) Geology

Correct answer: a) Hydrology

96. What is the chemical symbol for krypton?

a) Kr
b) Kt
c) Kn
d) Ko

Correct answer: a) Kr

97. Who discovered the first practical X-ray machine?

a) Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
b) Marie Curie
c) Thomas Edison
d) Nikola Tesla

Correct answer: a) Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen

98. What is the study of the Earth's atmosphere and its interactions with the oceans and land?

a) Atmospheric Science
b) Oceanography
c) Climatology
d) Meteorology

Correct answer: a) Atmospheric Science

99. What is the chemical symbol for xenon?

a) Xe
b) Xn
c) Xn
d) Xr

Correct answer: a) Xe

100. Who developed the first effective hepatitis B vaccine?

a) Maurice Hilleman
b) Jonas Salk
c) Edward Jenner
d) Albert Sabin

Correct answer: a) Maurice Hilleman

These questions cover various branches of science, including physics, chemistry, biology, geology, and environmental science, and can be used to test and expand children's knowledge in these areas.


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