
Showing posts from October 29, 2023

Geography Quiz for All Competitive Exams.

1. What is the largest ocean on Earth? Ans. Pacific Ocean  2. Which mountain range is considered the longest in the world? Ans. Andes Mountains 3. Name the river often associated with ancient Egypt. Ans. Nile River 4. The continent is known as the "Land Down Under".  Ans. Australia 5. Which is the world's largest rainforest?  Ans. Amazon Rainforest 6. What is the capital city of Japan? Ans. Tokyo 7. What imaginary line divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres? Ans. Equator 8. What is the world's largest desert by area? Ans. Sahara.  9. Which European country is famous for its tulips, windmills, and wooden shoes? Ans. Netherlands.  10. Which country is both in Europe and Asia? Ans. Russia 11. The longest river in South America? Ans. Amazon River 12. The African country formerly known as Abyssinia was ___.  Ans. Ethiopia 13. The highest mountain peak in the world ___. Ans. Mount Everest 14. Name the strait that separates Europe and Africa

Hard Work Blossoms Orchard (A story about hard work)

In a quaint village named Fernhaven, there was a young woman named Lila. She was unlike most in her village because she had dreams that stretched beyond the horizon. She wanted to turn the arid piece of land she inherited from her ancestors into a blossoming orchard. Many in the village laughed at her ambition. "The land is barren, Lila! You'd have more luck finding water in a desert!" they'd mock. But Lila was undeterred. She began her journey by seeking knowledge. She traveled to neighboring villages, met with old farmers, and read every agricultural book she could get her hands on. She learned about soil enrichment, water conservation, and the best fruit varieties for her region. With her newfound knowledge, she began her work. Day in and day out, under the scorching sun and through torrential rain, Lila toiled. She dug trenches for water, enriched the soil with organic compost, and planted saplings with tender care. The first year, most saplings died.