Islamic Knowledge, MCQ with Answers

Here's a multiple-choice quiz on Islamic knowledge:

Part 1

1. What is the holy book of Islam?

 - A) Torah

 - B) Bible

 - C) Quran

 - D) Vedas

Answers: C) Quran

2. Which of the following is not one of the Five Pillars of Islam?

 - A) Salah

 - B) Sawm

 - C) Sadaqah

 - D) Shahada

Ans.  C) Sadaqah

3. **Where was Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) born?**

 - A) Mecca

 - B) Medina

 - C) Cairo

 - D) Jerusalem

Ans.  A) Mecca

4. **What is the Kaaba?**

 - A) Prophet's Mosque

 - B) Islamic University

 - C) Sacred building in Mecca

 - D) Islamic court

 Ans. C) Sacred building in Mecca

5. **Which branch of Islam is the largest in terms of followers worldwide?**

 - A) Sunni

 - B) Shia

 - C) Sufi

 - D) Ibadi

Ans. A) Sunni

6. **What is the significance of Hijra in Islamic history?**

 - A) Ramadan fasting

 - B) Prophet's migration to Medina

 - C) Building of the Kaaba

 - D) Battle of Badr

Ans. B) Prophet's migration to Medina

7. **What is the Islamic calendar based on?**
 - A) Solar months

 - B) Lunar months

 - C) Gregorian calendar

 - D) Julian calendar

Ans. B) Lunar months

8. **What is the meaning of "Sadaqah"?**

 - A) Pilgrimage

 - B) Fasting

 - C) Voluntary charity

 - D) Formal prayer

Ans.  C) Voluntary charity

9. **Which Islamic festival marks the end of Ramadan?**

 - A) Eid al-Fitr

 - B) Eid al-Adha

 - C) Mawlid

 - D) Ashura

 Ans. A) Eid al-Fitr

10. **What does "Tawhid" refer to in Islamic theology?**

 - A) Unity of God

 - B) Charity

 - C) Pilgrimage

 - D) Night of Power

Ans. A) Unity of God

Part 2 

11. **Which city is considered the second holiest in Islam?**
 - A) Cairo
 - B) Medina
 - C) Istanbul
 - D) Karbala
Ans.  B) Medina

12. **What is the significance of the Night of Ascension (Lailat al-Miraj) in Islamic tradition?**
 - A) Revelation of the Quran
 - B) Prophet's migration to Medina
 - C) Prophet's night journey and ascent to the heavens
 - D) Battle of Uhud

Ans. C) Prophet's night journey and ascent to the heavens

13. **What is the term for the ritual cleansing before prayer?**
 - A) Hajj
 - B) Tawaf
 - C) Wudu
 - D) Istikhara
Ans. C) Wudu

14. **Which Prophet is known as the "Father of the Prophets" in Islam?**
 - A) Prophet Adam
 - B) Prophet Moses
 - C) Prophet Abraham
 - D) Prophet Noah
Ans. C) Prophet Abraham

15. **What does the term "Halal" mean?**
 - A) Forbidden
 - B) Permissible
 - C) Fasting
 - D) Prayer
Ans. B) 

16. **During which month do Muslims fast from dawn to sunset?**
 - A) Shawwal
 - B) Dhu al-Hijjah
 - C) Rajab
 - D) Ramadan
Ans. D) 

17. **What is the term for the Islamic declaration of faith?**
 - A) Shahada
 - B) Salah
 - C) Zakat
 - D) Sawm
Ans. A) 

18. **What is the Hajj pilgrimage?**
 - A) Pilgrimage to Prophet's Mosque
 - B) Pilgrimage to Jerusalem
 - C) Pilgrimage to Mecca
 - D) Pilgrimage to Karbala
Ans. C) 

19. **What is the significance of the Battle of Badr in Islamic history?**
 - A) Victory of Muslims over Quraysh
 - B) Conquest of Mecca
 - C) Prophet's migration to Medina
 - D) Treaty of Hudaybiyyah
Ans. A) 

20. **Which angel is responsible for delivering messages to the prophets?**
 - A) Jibril (Gabriel)
 - B) Mikail (Michael)
 - C) Israfil
 - D) Azrael
Ans. A) 

Part 3

21. **What is the term for the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca that is obligatory for all Muslims who can afford it?**
 - A) Hajj
 - B) Umrah
 - C) Tawaf
 - D) Qiyam

22. **Which Islamic scholar is known for compiling a collection of Hadith known as Sahih al-Bukhari?**
 - A) Imam Malik
 - B) Imam Shafi'i
 - C) Imam Abu Hanifa
 - D) Imam Bukhari

23. **What is the Night of Power (Lailat al-Qadr) believed to commemorate?**
 - A) The Battle of Badr
 - B) The revelation of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)
 - C) The migration of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) to Medina
 - D) The birth of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)

24. **In Islam, what is the term for the charitable giving of a fixed portion of one's wealth?**
 - A) Zakat
 - B) Sadaqah
 - C) Khums
 - D) Fitrah

25. **What is the name of the black stone built into the eastern corner of the Kaaba?**
 - A) Safa
 - B) Marwah
 - C) Rukn Yamani
 - D) Hajar al-Aswad

26. **Which prophet is mentioned most frequently in the Quran?**
 - A) Prophet Moses
 - B) Prophet Jesus
 - C) Prophet Noah
 - D) Prophet Adam

27. **What is the term for the Night of Decree, during which the Quran is believed to have been first sent down from Heaven to the world?**
 - A) Lailat al-Miraj
 - B) Laylat al-Baraat
 - C) Lailat al-Qadr
 - D) Laylat al-Jumu'ah

28. **What is the significance of the Battle of Uhud in Islamic history?**
 - A) Victory of Muslims over Quraysh
 - B) Defeat of Muslims by Quraysh
 - C) Conquest of Mecca
 - D) Prophet's migration to Medina

29. **Which Surah (chapter) in the Quran is known as "The Opening" or "The Opener"?**
 - A) Surah Al-Fatiha
 - B) Surah Al-Baqarah
 - C) Surah Al-Ikhlas
 - D) Surah Al-Anfal

30. **What is the term for the ritual prayer performed by Muslims five times a day?**
 - A) Salah
 - B) Dua
 - C) Dhikr
 - D) Iqama

21. A) Hajj
22. D) Imam Bukhari
23. B) The revelation of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad
24. A) Zakat
25. D) Hajar al-Aswad
26. C) Prophet Noah
27. C) Lailat al-Qadr
28. B) Defeat of Muslims by Quraysh
29. A) Surah Al-Fatiha
30. A) Salah


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